Rabbit hole 42 - Blog of Never Ending Rabbit Hole Problems around the Web.

a Gor.bio project.
Since Aug 4th 2024

A Collection of Pioneering Websites (Before 1995)


The journey of the World Wide Web began in 1991 with the launch of the first website created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. Over the next few years, the Web expanded rapidly, leading to the establishment of many early websites that shaped the digital world we know today. By the end of 1995, the number of websites had grown exponentially, with some early adopters making significant contributions to the development and popularization of the internet.

1991 - The Dawn of the Web:

1992 - Expansion and Growth:

1993 - Entering the Mainstream:

1994 - The Web Takes Off:


These early websites, founded before 1995, were more than just digital curiosities; they were the building blocks of the internet. From scientific research to corporate presence and media outreach, these pioneering sites set the stage for the vast and diverse Web we navigate today. Their legacy continues as many of these sites, or their descendants, remain active and influential.

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